Saturday, July 27, 2024

Joseph Reed of Pennsylvania and the Glorious Revolution

Joseph Reed (1741–85) was one of America's 'Founding Fathers', as George Washington’s First Adjunct General and Secretary During the American Revolution.

His grandfather, also called Joseph Reed, was from Carrickfergus and emigrated to West Jersey.

In a letter to the Earl of Dartmouth written from Philadelphia on 25 September 1774, Reed said:

No king ever had more loyal subjects ; or any country more affectionate colonists than the Americans were. I, who am but a young man, well remember when the former was always mentioned with a respect approaching to adoration, and to be an Englishman was alone a sufficient recommendation for any office of friendship and civility. But I confess with the greatest concern, that these happy days seem passing swiftly away, and unless some plan of accommodation can be speedily formed, the affection of the colonists will be irrecoverably lost...

... all the principles of the (1688) Revolution show that there are certain cases wherein resistance is justifiable”.