Monday, July 29, 2024

Rev James Shaw - 'The Scotch-Irish in History' and a radical view of King William III

Rev James Shaw was a Methodist minister, born in Co Longford. He emigrated from Limavady in 1854 and settled in Indiana, USA. He became a major figure in the Scotch-Irish Society of America. His book from 1899 has tonnes of content - I think some of you will find this reference to William III and Mary II interesting - “he would have given to the Catholics emancipation, as he had the Presbyterians, but he was hindered by the prejudices of his Parliament”. This echoes precisely what figures like Henry Grattan and Rev William Steele-Dickson had written too. William of Orange wasn't the real villain - the 1700s Dublin Parliament was. • The Scotch-Irish in History (1899) is online hereTwelve Years in America (1867) is online here