Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Dr Guy Chet & Professor Bob Allison - "The Colonists' American Revolution; Preserving English Liberty, 1607-1783"

Here's a useful discussion, between Dr Guy Chet (author of the 2019 book The Colonists' American Revolution; Preserving English Liberty, 1607-1783; publisher page here), in conversation with Professor Bob Allison - about the American Revolution as a British rebellion for liberty. I met Professor Allison when visiting Boston in December 2023 for the 'Tea Party 250' commemorations. 

One of the challenges in telling the American Revolution story to a present-day audience is that we have all grown up with competing nations or competing nationalities as our only paradigm. Movies and war comics and the current affairs media have reduced our capacity to think, because they present everything as a contest between "two teams". And so the American Revolution has often been retro-fitted with these kinds of simplistic, easy-sell, nationalisms.

So, we need to work pretty hard to try to forget about ingrained nationalisms, of conflicts between nations, and think instead about liberty within the nation, or liberty which is worth more than the nation.

Not Americans v British, or Patriots v Loyalists, but rather Liberty v Tyranny. People on each side of the Atlantic were on each side of the cause.

The GoogleBooks entry for this book as the subtitle A Dissenting Companion to the U.S. History Textbook.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

The dying embers of the Glorious Revolution – "Cato's Letters or Essays on Liberty, Civil and Religious", 1720s England

An American on Twitter recommended that I look at Cato's Letters - I'd heard of them, but had never taken the time to dig. Even though they were written in 1720s England (Wikipedia here) by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, they were a regular reference in 1770s America for the British 'colonists' who were preparing for a new Revolution. 

This was the era when Ulster-Scots emigration to America began at full speed, starting in 1718 and surging throughout the century to around 200,000 people. Cato's Letters are a fascinating new insight into the era, and of how liberty-oriented communities in 1720s Britain regarded the corrosive corruption of their own ruling classes.

"How did they behave towards King William, whom they themselves invited over? As soon as he gave liberty of conscience to Protestant dissenters; let them see that he would not be a blind tool to a priestly faction, but would equally protect all his subjects who were faithful to him; had set himself at the head of the Protestant interest, and every year hazarded his person in dangerous battles and sieges for the liberty of England and of Europe, against the most dreadful scourge and oppressor of mankind that ever plagued the earth"

Presumably that "scourge and oppressor" was the genocidal Louis XIV of France. The following extract describes how the Church of England establishment had first benefited from the achievements of 1688, but later, out of self-interest, eroded those achievements away –

"It is certain that there was almost every where a general detestation of popery, and popish principles, and a noble spirit for liberty, at or just before the Revolution; and the clergy seemed then as zealous as the foremost.

But when the corrupt part of them found themselves freed from the dangers which they complained of, and could not find their separate and sole advantage in the Revolution, they have been continually attacking and undermining it; and since they saw that it was impossible to persuade those who were witnesses and sufferers under the oppressions of the former governments, wantonly, and with their eyes open, to throw away their deliverance, they went a surer and more artful way to work, though more tedious and dilatory; and therefore have, by insensible degrees, corrupted all the youth whose education has been trusted to them, and who could be corrupted; so that at the end of near forty years, the Revolution is worse established than when it began.

New generations are risen up, which knew nothing of the sufferings of their fathers, and are taught to believe there were never any such."

The Cato Institute (online here) says this of the letters: "These essays popularised (John) Locke's ideas and were profoundly influential in both England and America. They are the inspiration for the Cato Institute. Published anonymously in the London Journal from 1720 to 1723, the 144 letters provide a compelling theoretical basis for freedom of conscience and freedom of speech. Virtually half the private libraries in the American colonies contained bound volumes of Cato’s Letters."

Cato's Letters are another treasure trove in understanding the era between the two Revolutions of 1688 and 1776, and how they connect to each other. The Letters are online at Libertyfund.org, as text-searchable PDFs via the links below (click on the download button, and then the 'eBook PDF' button)

Volume 1 (1720-21)
Volume 2 (1721-22)
Volume 3 (1722)
Volume 4 (1722-23)

Sunday, January 05, 2025

"Captain Kidd" (1945) and King William III

Yet another early Hollywood pirate movie, incorporating King William III. Wikipedia here.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Celebrating the "Relief" of Londonderry, in Taunton in Somerset

In Joshua Toulmin's 1791 The History of Taunton in the County of Somerset, this account of Colonel Percy Kirke includes his breathtaking bloodlust inflicted upon the people of Taunton during the Bloody Assizes of Autumn 1685, yet also of them toasting him following his role in the Relief of Londonderry:

... the people of Taunton, in commemoration of his relieving Londonderry, when besieged by James II in 1689, devoted an evening to the drinking of his health in public, the expenses of which may be now seen in an old church-book... (page 543)

The events of 1688-90 are not restricted to Ireland and connect communities across our islands. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

"Captain Blood" - a 1935 Hollywood cinema classic, linking the Monmouth Rebellion and the Glorious Revolution

"... And there was worse than this: there were rumours of civil war in England, where the people had grown weary of the bigoted tyranny of King James. It was reported that William of Orange had been invited to come over.Weeks passed, and every ship from home brought additional news. William had crossed to England, and in March of that year 1689 they learnt in Jamaica that he had accepted the crown and that James had thrown himself into the arms of France for rehabilitation..."

- from "Captain Blood" by Rafael Sabatini (1922)

The 1922 novel Captain Blood is fictional, but based on history. In the 1935 movie version, Errol Flynn starred as Dr Peter Flood, a medic from Ireland who helped some of the Duke of Monmouth's 'rebels' of 1685, for which he was transported to the West Indies as a slave. After various adventures there, news reaches him of the 1688 Glorious Revolution and Blood is pardoned by the new King William III.

The real history is just as interesting. Henry Pitman was a real doctor to Monmouth's men, and he was also sold to the Carribean; he returned to England after the Glorious Revolution and his memoirs - A Relation of the Great Sufferings and Strange Adventures of Henry Pitman, Chyrurgion to the late Duke of Monmouth - was printed in 1689.

An associate was Rev Timothy Cruso a Presbyterian minister in London, who died in 1697 (Wikipedia here); one of his published sermons celebrated the Glorious Revolution, entitled The Mighty Wonders of a Merciful Providence in a Sermon preached on January 31 1688/9. Being the Day of Publick Thanksgiving to God for the Great Deliverance of this Kingdom by His Highness the Prince of Orange (online here). And yes, the surname Cruso is believed to have been the inspiration for Robinson Crusoe, the novel by another of the Duke of Monmouth's rebel, Daniel Defoe.


So who was the real Blood? Thomas Blood was the Ireland-born Presbyterian planner of what became known as "Blood's Plot", an attempt to storm Dublin Castle in 1663 against the government of King Charles II. 

According to Rev Patrick Adair's True Narrative (in chapter 17) the discussions for what became "Blood's Plot" began in Newtownards at the home of Rev John Greg. Also present were Thomas Blood, his brother in law Rev William Leckey, Rev Andrew Stewart and a Captain James Moor(e) of Ballybregah (Ballybredagh, between Killinchy and Killyleagh).

The plot was exposed by an informer on 22 May 1663. Numerous Ulster Presbyterian ministers were arrested on suspicion of involvement - Rev John Crookshanks of Raphoe, Rev Andrew McCormick of Magherally and Rev William Richardson of Killyleagh to name but three, as well as Adair himself.

In a footnote, Adair explains that Thomas Blood later fled to England where he became a doctor - "he lived for some time at Rumford, where he followed the medical profession, under the assumed name of Dr. Clarke. He then attempted to take the Crown and Crown Jewels out of the Tower..."

Thursday, December 05, 2024

John Adams to Thomas Jefferson – propaganda and the 1688 Revolution

Here's another gem, from this letter of 16 December 1816, on how prominent historians and their biases had skewed people's understanding –

"History has only increased the Tories and diminished the Whigs. That History has been the Bane of G.B. It has destroyed many of the best Effects of the Revolution of 1688. Style has governed the Empire.

Swift, Pope and Hume have disgraced all the honest Historians. Rapin and Burnet Oldmixen and Coke, contain more honest Truth than Hume and Clarendon and all their disciples and Imitators. But Who reads any of them at this day?

Every one of the fine Arts from the earliest times has been inlisted in the Service of Superstition and Despotism. The whole World at this day Gazes with Astonishment at the grossest Fictions because they have been immortalised by the most exquisite Artists.

Monday, December 02, 2024

John Adams, and the 1688 Glorious Revolution as the intellectual engine of the 1776 American Revolution (again)

It seems that there's no end of sources in which America's 'Founding Fathers' looked back to the history of their ancestral British Isles for intellectual and philosophical precedent. Here is yet another, from John AdamsA defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America (1797)


"...There have been three periods in the history of England, in which the principles of government have been anxiously studied, and very valuable productions published, which at this day, if they are not wholly forgotten in their native country, are perhaps more frequently read abroad than at home.

The first of these periods was that of the Reformation, as early as the writings of Machiavel himself, who is called the great restorer of the true politics. The Short Treatise of Politicke Power, and of the true Obedience which Subjects owe to Kyngs and other civile Governors, with an Exhortation to all true natural Englifhemen, compyled by John Ponnet, D. D. was printed in 1556, and contains all the essential principles of liberty, which were afterwards dilated on by Sidney and Locke... 

The second period was the Interregnum, and indeed the whole interval between 1640 and 1660. In the course of those twenty years, not only Ponnet and others were reprinted, but Harrington, Milton, the Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, and a multitude of others, came upon the stage.

The third period was the Revolution in 1688, which produced Sidney, Locke, Hoadley, Trenchard Gordon, Plato Redivivus, who is also clear for three equipollent branches in the mixture. and others without number. The discourses of Sidney were indeed written before, but the same causes produced his writings and the Revolution.

Americans should make collections of all these speculations, to be preserved as the most precious relics of antiquity, both for curiosity and use..."


• Algernon Sidney (see article here), John Locke, and also James Tyrell were mentioned here a few weeks ago in this post. Time to look into their writings...

Friday, November 29, 2024

"The Lowlands of Holland" and "The Last Popular Rebellion; The Western Rising of 1685"

When, on 23 April 1661, Charles II's coronation put a King back on the throne, the counties of South West England were known as "the nursery of rebellion". Those counties – Devon, Dorset, Somerset and Cornwall – are approximately same area as Northern Ireland. I've re-jigged the map below to show the relative sizes.

By 1661 those counties had developed a heavily Presbyterian local church network (in 1669 Somerset alone had held 155 open air religious services known as 'conventicles', with approximately 11,000 people attending). Baptists, Congregationalists and Quakers were also pretty numerous. This, dismayed, 'nonconformist' population was looking to Holland for rescue: "specific and threatening allusions to horsemen and swords, or by hopes that national defeat by the Dutch would restore the old cause"*, almost 30 years before what became known as the Glorious Revolution. 

Almost prophetically, in 1685 it would be Charles II's firstborn but illegitimate son, James the Duke of Monmouth, who would lead such an attempt from his bolthole in the Netherlands, and land at Lyme Regis in Dorset, hoping the local population would rise to his cause and from that to claim the crown for himself.

"... The first to land were old Heywood Dare, Hugh Chamberlain, and Colonel Samuel Venner (see gravestone here). They indulged themselves in imprudent talk to fishermen, of there being a rebellion commenced in Ireland, and of another soon to come in England ... 
The Duke of Monmouth, drest in purple, with a star on his breast and a sword at his side, was accompanied to shore by Lord Grey, Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun, Hooke the Duke's chaplain, Robert Ferguson who acted as the army chaplain, and other persons. The iniquitous and impolitic "Declaration" prepared by Ferguson was then read in the Lyme market-place. Rebellion had begun ..."

The source for that quote is on page 647 here, the huge 800 page volume of The Roxburghe Ballads of folk songs from the Monmouth Rebellion era (Wikipedia here) 

The aftermath was of course horrific. Here's one of the famous playing cards by Francis Barlow which capture some of the events of the time.

Here's an extract from another of the Roxburghe Ballads, a fictional, autobigraphical, song from the mouth of Monmouth himself.

Britain's Rights I am renewing,
Can this give a just offence?
Those that glory in my Ruine,
I in time may recompence.
For I'll have a stronger Army,
and of Ammunition store:
I'll have Drums & Trumpets charming,
when as I come on Englands shore.

My poor Souldiers they was taken
and in Droves to Prison sent,
This may protestants awaken,
to behold Romes black intent:
They shew not a grain of pity,
which does grieve my heart full sore;
For in every Town and City
they were hang'd at their own door.

There they ript their bellies open,
and their bodies burnt hard by;
Tell me, is not this a Token
of the Acts of Cruelty?
Nay, they cut them into quarters
while they reekt in purple gore;
Never was there such-like Creatures
in a Christian Land before.

Tho' poor Souls their Lives were ended,
yet, alas! this would not do,
Malice further still extended,
for they boil'd their Quarters too.
All to terrifie the Nation
with my poor dead mangled men;
While each tender dear Relation
needs must be afflicted then.


The Roxburghe Ballads also include a verse from this old Scots song (on page 618) which is included to make reference to the Argyll Rebellion in Scotland, which like Monmouth's had also set off from the Netherlands in June 1685. Its leader, Archibald Campbell the 9th Earl of Argyll, had seen his own father beheaded at the Grassmarket Edinburgh on 27 May 1661, under orders of King Charles I. 1685 was son versus son.


The love that I have chosen, I'll therewith be content;
The saut sea shall be frozen, before that I repent;
Repent it shall I never, until the day I dee,
But the Lowlands of Holland hae twinn'd my Love and me!

* source The Last Popular Rebellion; The Western Rising of 1685 by Robin Clifton (p46)


A 'Sham Fight' at Burnham in Somerset, 1687

"...The memory of these ends persisted. Two years after the rebellion, at a fair in the north Somerset village of Burnham, a riot took place.

Nearly a hundred local men, with some ex-rebels among them, declared that they were 'for the Duke of Monmouth', and challenged all comers to battle. Having beaten up their opponents and won the day, they did in great triumph hold up a bloody handkerchief declaring it to be Monmouth's colours'.

After singing 'songs concerning the Duke of Monmouth', the episode closed with the leader crying aloud 'now Holland (meaning ye said Riotters whereof he was one) had conquered France'. Monmouth was identified with Holland (and Protestantism and freedom); France with Popery and absolutism; and in the replay right had won.

The mock-battle shows how well villagers had understood the essence of 1685..."

• Source The Last Popular Rebellion; The Western Rising of 1685 by Robin Clifton (p276). A more detailed account is online here

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

"When a King subjugates his Parliament, subverts his judges and suppresses his own people, he has become a tyrant ... they have a duty to bring him down" (New Worlds, Channel 4, 2014)

This 2014 mini-series (with many actors who also appeared in Game Of Thrones) looks like it's worth a watch, with Jamie Dornan in one of the lead roles. I only found out about it today - it covers the reign of King Charles II, the 1685 Monmouth Rebellion, and also parallel events in the British Colonies in America. All of this sets the critical context for the 1688 'Glorious Revolution' - a transatlantic, liberty-oriented, context that our sectarianised Ireland has ignored for far too long.

• On Channel Four here.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

King Charles II's "absolute monarchy" - the Publishing of Power, and the Writing of Resistance.

Our children loved to watch Horrible Histories on BBC. This clip was one they really loved, and which our Charlie memorised and liked to recite. Entertaining certainly, but it masks who King Charles II really was.

He, and his brother the Duke of York, the future King James II, had been at war with Scottish Presbyterian Covenanter civilians since Charles was crowned in 1661. Battles and persecutions ensued. Charles 'prorogued' Parliament on 27 May 1679 and less than a month later on 22 June 1679 at Bothwell Brig south of Glasgow, 5000 troops were sent in to rout 6000 Presbyterian civilians. Charles prorogued Parliament again and again in the 1680s.

Just like in Scotland, the army was sent to break up open air religious services known as 'conventicles' in south west England, at places like Bristol and Salisbury. 'Whigs' in England began to protest, with localised riots and by raising petitions which were denounced by Charles II and his Lord Chief Justice as 'seditious'.

A goldsmith from Taunton in Somerset, Thomas Dare, personally confronted Charles II in London with a petition from the people - Dare was arrested for "seditious words" and sent back to Taunton for trial in April 1680. He was fined £500 and was given a three year suspended sentence. The specific words that he had dared utter were that "the King's subjects had but two ways, one by petition, the other by armes".

The crown and state against the people...

In the "west" we like to think that we have rights, which are in some way protected in law.  This idea has been handed down to us, culturally and philosophically, through the centuries and it's now our presumed default - it's the water in which we swim. Like David Foster Wallace's proverbial fish, we're not even aware that the water is there. But this was not always the case.

King Charles II loved the idea that kings not only had privilege, but total domination, that they were in every way superior to the people, and were above the reach of common law. 

In 1680 he, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, published a manuscript text which had been written during the reign of his late (executed) father, King Charles I. The author was the late Sir Robert Filmer (1588-1653), and it was entitled Patriarcha, or the Natural Power of Kings (text online here).

In his opening salvo, Filmer utterly rejects an idea that we take for granted:

Mankind is naturally endowed and born with Freedom from all Subjection, and at liberty to chose what Form of Government it please: And that the Power which any one Man hath over others, was at first bestowed according to the discretion of the Multitude.

Filmer believed that "in a monarchy the king must of necessity be above the laws". This is the basis of "absolute monarchy', and potentially tyranny.

Filmer raged against the "Reformed Church", "Papists", "Jesuits", "zealous favourers of the Geneva Discipline". He cited John Calvin and George Buchanan, and "R. Dolman" who was a pseudonym of Robert Parsons (1546-1610) who had authored A treatise of three conversions of England from paganism to Christian religion (online here). 

With Filmer resurrected, various Whigs then retaliated in print, with ideas of democracy and liberty which would echo across the Atlantic almost 100 years later – they were James Tyrrell, Algernon Sidney, and John Locke.

More to follow... 


PS: The 1689 Bill of Rights put an end to such abuses by future monarchs - for example:

Dispensing Power.
That the pretended Power of Suspending of Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regall Authority without Consent of Parlyament is illegall.

Late dispensing Power.
That the pretended Power of Dispensing with Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regall Authoritie as it hath beene assumed and exercised of late is illegall.

Right to petition.
That it is the Right of the Subjects to petition the King and all Commitments and Prosecutions for such Petitioning are Illegall.

English Radical Whigs: Natural Law and Natural Rights by Michael Zuckert, University of Notre Dame (2011) is online here

• Presbyterianism in Devon and Cornwall in the seventeenth century thesis by Rev. J.T. Gillespie of Plymouth (1943) is online here.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The vanished tombstone of William Hewling, Lyme Regis, 1685

At Lyme Regis, a tombstone at St Michael The Archangel Church has this inscription:

Here lieth the body of William Hewling, son of William Hewling of London, and grandson of William Kyffin, Esq., Alderman of London, who suffered martyrdom before he was full twenty years of age, engaging with the Duke of Monmouth for the Protestant religion and English liberty against Popery and slavery, September 12th, 1685.

(source here from 1894; however by 1922 the gravestone was described as "no longer exists").


The Hewling brothers, William and Benjamin, were followers of the Duke of Monmouth and were arrested after the failure of his rebellion. Both were executed, William at Lyme aged 19 and Benjamin at Taunton aged 22. Their sister Hannah had pleaded for their release; her intervention, and payment of a colossal £1000, saved William from being disembowelled.

• Their grandfather William Kiffin was a "Strict and Particular Baptist" pastor (see this source).

• Kiffin's autobiography Remarkable Passages In The Life of William Kiffin (1689; 1823 edition is online here). He had met with his two grandsons after their arrests. It is moving to read the grandfather's account of the boys' last days and hours.

"The Sheriff having given his body to be buried, although it was brought from the place of execution without any notice given, yet very many of the town, to the number of about two hundred, came to accompany it. And several young women, of the best of the town, laid him in his grave, in Lyme church yard, the 18th of September, 1685."

• Hutchins' 1774 The history and antiquities of the county of Dorset gives this description here:

"In the church yard, on the S. side of the church was formerly a tomb, two sides of which, with the following inscription, are preserved, in that part of the church which is under the school" 

Benjamin Hewling was one of 18 men who were executed at Taunton, and was reputedly buried at St Mary Magdalene Church at Taunton, now Taunton Minster. There is no known gravestone.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Royal Citadel Plymouth, 1688 – "the first fortress in England to declare support for William"

I've walked around the massive walls of the Royal Citadel many times - from the open space of Plymouth Hoe down along Madeira Road to the Mayflower Steps and the Barbican and its array of coffee shops and quayside restaurants - but have never booked a tour of the inside - they are very infrequent as the Citadel is still a functioning military facility. The curving coastal road is a beautiful sunrise location, and the many huge international Navy memorials, with joggers and dog walkers in the morning light, make it look almost like a movie set at times.

After the arrival of William of Orange's vast armada at Torbay on 5 November 1688 - where soldiers, horses and provisions were unloaded - the ships then sailed 35 miles westwards towards Plymouth where they moored in the shelter of Plymouth Sound and wintered there. The Royal Citadel was the westernmost army garrison of King James II, and William knew that he had to take control of it, to ensure that (as Macaulay put it in his mammoth The History of England) "the invaders had now not a single enemy in their rear" for their advance eastwards towards King James II and London.

William's Declaration was read aloud to the Royal Citadel garrison who immediately defected to his cause, and the Declaration was then fastened to the Citadel gate. The irony in this is that the regiment there, the Earl of Bath's Regiment, had been raised just over three years earlier during the June 1685 Duke of Monmouth civilian rebellion, in order to crush it. Monmouth was William of Orange's cousin, and Continental battle comrade. Heads and quarters of some of the 350 executed 'rebels' had been put on public display in Plymouth. However, when faced with William's vast European army and navy, the regiment melted.

A Plymouth primary source for this is The Journal Of James Yonge, Plymouth Surgeon 1647-1721 in which he says:

"... In November this year the Prince of Orange arrived at Torbay with great fleet of men-of-war and merchant ships, and landing there, marched to Exeter, where great resort of gentlemen &c. went to him and declared for him. His declaration was also read in the Citadel and Guildhall and at length the whole nation revolted ..."

William had a lot on his plate. We've all grown up with Ireland's fixation on the Battle of the Boyne, but there was far more going on that just that. Following the naval Battle of Beachy Head on 10 July 1690, he authorised the first Royal Naval Dockyard to be built at Plymouth, in 1691, to defend the west from further French attack. 

• Painting above, showing the Royal Citadel in the background, is entitled 'Plymouth in 1666' by the Dutch artist Willem Van De Velde. It is on display in The Box Arts Centre.


A more detailed account of the events at Plymouth Citadel can be found in the Report on the Manuscripts of the late Reginald Rawden Hastings, Vol II, pages 198-199 (online here), a letter from Theophilus Hastings, the Earl of Huntingdon, to King James II. He had a regiment in Plymouth too:

"What passed on Saturday night relating to my imprisonment and the garbling of the regiment both officers and soldiers I did presume to inform your Majesty in a letter by Major Ingram. 
On Monday the formal revolt of this garrison was made, when the Governor caused the Prince of Orange’s Declaration to be read in his presence to the remaining officers of the regiment and to the officers of the citadel; to which when each man had given his concurrence, the Governor then ordered it to be read at the head of the battalion to the private soldiers, to which in imitation of the officers they assented by throwing up of their hats and huzzas; upon which it was fastened publicly on the gates of the citadel. The solemnity ended by several barrels of ale as a largess to the regiment to drink success to this noble achievement. 
The Governor himself hath received a commission from the Prince of Orange to command in these parts, and on Tuesday the vacancies were filled up, Hastings being made Colonel and Jacob Lieutenant-Colonel. Hatton refused to serve under any other authority than your Majesty and is dismissed and some others of the officers . . 
I could have prevented my present confinement and now obtain my liberty if I would have joined in this guilty action. But those principles of honour and loyalty that hath preserved me hitherto will always direct me to make nothing the act of my will but what shall be answerable to those principles. 
I am here a close prisoner, my arms taken away, having not the liberty to walk in the citadel without a guard. My whole dependence is upon your Majesty, whether you will summon the place, it being said it is kept for your Majesty, or demand me, or take in custody some relation of him here, or exchange me. I submit to your Majesty’s wisdom, humbly beseeching that if I receive any despatches from the Secretaries of State, it may be by an expressed writ all with their own hands, for a reason I have which I dare not commit to writing, most letters being opened."


• Photo below of the grand entrance to the Royal Citadel, showing the date 1670, and presumably to which the Declaration was fastened, is from Flickr here.

And, just a few hundred yards away in Plymouth's historic Barbican waterfront area is the 
Plymouth Gin Distillery, founded 1793, where a display in the reception and shop area credits William with introducing gin to England - "Dutch courage"!

Monday, November 04, 2024

John Coad, One of the Sufferers - the primary account of a "Godfearing Carpenter": 1685 defector rebel, slave in Jamaica, and an inspiration for "Robinson Crusoe"

This is amazing stuff - John Coad, the "Godfearing carpenter" of Stoford in Somerset, was recruited as a soldier in King James II's army, but in June 1685 he defected to the Duke of Monmouth, was captured, was sentenced to be sent to Jamaica as a plantation slave, was freed at the Glorious Revolution and eventually returned to England in 1690.

His surviving manuscript of his life was published in 1849, entitled A Memorandum of the Wonderful Providences of God to a Poor Unworthy Creature: During the Time of the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion and to the Revolution in 1688.

Coad was one of over 800 men who were shipped off to the Caribbean plantations as slaves; and who were plausibly the inspiration for their fellow Monmouth 'rebel' Daniel Defoe for his world famous novel Robinson Crusoe (1719) - a link recognised by Tom Paulin in his 2001 essay in the London Review of Books, entitled 'Fugitive Crusoe' (subscription required).

• 1849 printed edition of the original manuscript is online here
• A account of the Coad family from 1870 is online here, in Rambles, Roamings and Recollections by John Trotandot
• His son, Rev Thomas Coad, was a Presbyterian minister in England (1740 letter online here)

Sunday, November 03, 2024

The notorious evil of Percy Kirk / Kirke in the "Bloody Assizes" of autumn 1685

Percy Kirk / Kirke is best known to history for his involvement in the 1689 Siege of Derry. However, given his past brutalities during the 1685 "Bloody Assizes" of King James II, many were utterly incredulous that William of Orange had recruited Kirk / Kirke. Here's why:

"... Nor was Judge Jeffreys the only person who was thought to execute the King's orders ; but Colonel Kirk, a soldier of fortune, a man of boldness and looseness, did also act a considerable part in these unhappy tragedies:

after the Duke (of Monmouth)'s defeat, he caused ninety wounded men to be hang'd at Taunton, not only without permitting their relations to speak with them, but with pipes playing, drums beating, trumpets founding, and all other military pomp and joy.

At another town he invited his officers to dinner, near the place where some of the condemned rebels were to be executed, and order 'd ten of them to be turn'd off with a health to the King, ten in a health to the Queen, and ten more in a health to the Lord Jeffreys. These Cruelties he afterwards endeavour'd to palliate, by pretending, that he did nothing but by express order from the King, and his General.

But he was charged with one action that could proceed only from his own brutal inclination to lust and blood, and that was, the drawing in a poor maiden to prostitute her self to him, with the promise of saving her brother's life, and nevertheless causing him to be hang'd on the sign-post of the same house, and out of the window presenting the credulous abused damsel with that barbarous spectacle of his treachery and cruelty..."

From this source

Saturday, November 02, 2024

William Disney, the printer of the treacherous 1685 Declaration of James, Duke of Monmouth

Faithless I proved to my Prince and Nation,
Printing a most Rebellious Declaration:
By which foul Fact I wrought my overthrow,
Let all beware that they may not do so.

My Head upon the Bridge must surely stand,
Because I was a Traytor to my Land:
Upon the Gates they'l set my Quarters too,
For doing what I was forbid to do.

William Disney - seemingly a "barrister at law" of the "Citty of West Minister" - was charged with high treason. He was hanged, drawn and quartered on Kennington Common in London on 29 June 1685. His head and quarters were displayed on one of London's city gates.

Why? His home, and business premises, had been raided by King James II's troops on 15 June where they found a printing press, along with 750 partially complete copies of the Duke of Monmouth's Declaration, and five which were fully complete. These were all burned before the Royal Exchange, apart from one copy which is shown below (it's from the Lansdowne MSS in the British Museum.)

When Monmouth and his rebels first landed at Lyme Regis on 11 June, his Declaration was publicly read at the market cross, at Taunton on 20 June ("where he suffered himself to be proclaimed king") and probably at numerous other places too during his six week rebellion in south west England. 

Disney had form. Around 1680 he had gone to some lengths to prove that Monmouth, who was the first born son of King Charles II, to Lucy Walter, was in fact legitimate and was therefore the rightful heir to the throne. Disney had been implicated in the failed 1683 "Rye House Plot" to kill King Charles II and his brother James, Duke of York, who became King James II.

The real King?
The Declaration refused to acknowledge that King James II was king at all, referring to him by his prior title of Duke of York and denouncing him as a usurper. 

One of Disney's colleagues in the printing operation was printer John Bringhurst (article here) who managed to escape to the Netherlands. Another was Henry Danvers (Wikipedia here). The project seems to have been masterminded by "W. C." of Paternoster Row, a prolific London printer of the era.


Here is an online edition of the published True Account of the Behaviour and Confession of William Disney Esq. Text edition is online here.

Oxford DNB entry for William Disney is online here.

The Declaration of James, Duke of Monmouth is online here.

• An analysis of the 1685 Declaration of James, Duke of Monmouth, and how it compares with the 1688 Declaration of William Prince of Orange is online here.

(top image from the English Broadside Ballad Archive)