Friday, October 09, 2020

Con O'Neill – author Roy Greer interviewed by Stuart Bailie

Back in 2006 when I was oxters-deep in trying to bring the Hamilton & Montgomery story back to public attention, I also wanted to do something about Con O'Neill, whose estates they negotiated a third of each, but none of the appropriate organisations were up for it. So we stuck to the H&M story. In early 2019 Roy Greer contacted me (we'd met each other at least once before) to tell me that he was working on a book about Con. It was published last autumn by noted local publisher White Row Press and is a very fine piece of work, in terms of the depth of research, the quality of writing, and the visual presentation. Here is Roy being interviewed in detail about his journey from discovery to print, just a few weeks ago, as part of the Turas Belfast festival –