Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amy Carmichael and the Covenanters

Another wee post about Ards Peninsula woman and famous missionary Amy Carmichael (1867-1951)

"...her first journeys (from Millisle) were by horse and sidecar along the coast road to her grandmother's house at Portaferry. Among the treasures in that house was a sampler made by her great-great-grandmother, Jane Dalzell... a General Dalzell was a friend of Claverhouse, who persecuted the Covenanters. My father's people were Covenanters in the Lowlands of Scotland and they fled to the North of Ireland because of these persecutors. When my mother married my father, it was as if persecutor and persecuted were united..."

from I Remember Amy Carmichael by Margaret Wilkinson