Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"They call themselves Scotch-Irish": Delaware and the Scotch-Irish in the 1720s

 “They call themselves Scotch-Irish ... and the bitterest railers against the church [Church of England] that ever trod upon American ground.”
• Rev. George Ross, Rector of Immanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware, September 1723

"The first settlers of this County were for the far greatest part originally English. Some few however there are of Dutch families, but of late years great numbers of Irish (who usually call themselves Scotch Irish) transported themselves and their families from the North of Ireland unto the Province of Pennsylvania and have distributed themselves into the several Counties where lands were to be taken up. Many families are settled in the County Sussex. They are Presbyterians by profession"
• Rev. William Becket of Lewes, Delaware, 1728