Monday, August 23, 2010

Local history talks and tour

I'm going to slow the blogging down a bit over the next few weeks, with weans going back to school and plenty of other things to be doing. As an "advert" of sorts, I'll be giving some illustrated talks in the local area, about 45 minutes each with an illustrated Powerpoint presentation (plenty of pics, not death by bulletpoint!), as follows:

Wednesday 8th September
Ards Historical Society
Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606
The Old Town Hall, 8.00pm

Monday 11th October
Comber Historical Society
The Forgotten English Colony of Sir Thomas Smith, 1572-1575
The Learning Centre, Comber, 8.00pm
(I'll be giving the same talk to the Upper Ards Historical Society in Portaferry on Tuesday 7 December)

In between these dates, I'm delighted to have been asked to be tour guide for a coach tour of the Ulster-Scots History of the Ards and North Down. This is being organised by Loughries Historical Society, from 9.00am - 1.00pm on Saturday 2nd October. There will be just 30 seats available. More details on this to follow.