Sunday, August 06, 2017

... on the other hand, progress is essential - Fordson Tractors Ards Peninsula advert, 1921

Here’s a 1921 advert for Fordson tractors, showing that horses were to become a thing of the past and a new Fordson would prove it. Why not book a demonstration on the Ards Peninsula? Even a young woman would be happy to operate it, neatly turned out in her Sunday clothes!  Other Fordson ads of the time claimed it could replace 4 horses, for a cost of £260 new.

Women worked the land just as hard as men did. In his 2016 book Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging, (on Amazon here) Sebastian Junger points out that the agri economy is/was the most gender-equal of any economic system. Everybody is/was being killed by hard work.

Fordson 1921