Friday, February 16, 2007

News Letter 2006 RECORD sales, "SOBAH" Volume 2 & Smithsonian CD for "My Ain Countrie"

Just got word last week that our debut "Gran Time Comin" was the best selling cd for the Northern Ireland daily newspaper the News Letter last year (the print edition is light years better than the online one- they need the services of a good graphic designer! - here's a good overview of the paper's history - it's the oldest English language newspaper in the world, founded in 1737 ). They have a shop facility for readers to buy books and CDs etc. We outsold the next best selling cd by almost 3:1.

The amazing news is that the News Letter have ALREADY ordered more copies of "Sangs o Bairns an Hame" than they sold of "GTC" to fulfil postal orders they've received - and it's only mid-February.

Things are going well. Just need to get back into the studio and get Volume 2 finished. With me having been knocked out of action for most of January we're behind schedule, but hopefully we'll have it out before we head to Washington in June.

•••• STOP PRESS•••• "My Ain Countrie" from "Gran Time Comin" has been selected to appear on the forthcoming Smithsonian Folklife Festival audio cd. It is one of the first gospel songs ever recorded in the world, by William MacEwan the Glaswegian evangelist.

(Apologies to everyone whose email we haven't replied to yet - will try to do so over the weekend)