
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Well Park, Greenock - the home of Elizabeth Shaw, wife of Sir Hugh Montgomery

These photos are of Well Park which overlooks the cobbled area of Greenock town centre. The park was given to the people of the town by the Shaw family, an early member of which was Sir Hugh Montgomery's wife Elizabeth - the park is the former site of their castle, 'Wester Greenock'. Elizabeth was the brains of the Montgomery Ulster-Scots empire around Newtownards, but she died around 1623 or so. The old 1629 well shown below was built by the Shaws back home in Greenock; meanwhile Elizabeth's brother James Shaw built Ballygally Castle on the County Antrim coast road in 1625. This excellent account of the history of Greenock says that it was Elizabeth's father John Shaw who built the first church in the town with permission from King James VI. And it's no surprise to read that '...In 1670 a French traveller, M. Jorevein de Rocheford, visited `Krinock' which he says is 'the town where the Scots post and packet boat starts for Ireland...'. The first history of Greenock is available here.

Well Park is lovely spot for a stop-off if you're doing the coastal drive from Glasgow down to the Troon or Cairnryan ferries, with good views across the River Clyde. Visiting these places really brings history to life. Pics should enlarge when clicked.






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